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Results 1-50 of 160 (Search time: 0.033 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12019Intrinsic motivation and psychological connectedness to drug abuse and rehabilitation: The perspective of self-determinationChan, Gloria Hong Yee ; Lo, Tit Wing 
22022How to win trust: The case of P2P financial fraud in ChinaLo, Tit Wing ; Kan, Wing Shan 
32022Family caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic: Factors associated with anxiety and depression of carers for community-dwelling older adults in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
42021Restrictive deterrence in drug offenses: A systematic review and meta-synthesis of mixed studiesLo, Tit Wing 
52021Caregiver needs and resources assessment: Development and validationLo, Tit Wing 
62022An innovative model of positive education with traditional Chinese moral values: An evaluation of Project BridgeLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
72020Conditions for facilitation by voluntary organizations to enhance social cohesion in ChinaLo, Tit Wing 
82015Criminal recidivism of incarcerated male nonviolent offenders in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
92020Incapability of guardiansLo, Tit Wing 
102012Policing and the mentally ill in China: Challenges and prospectsLo, Tit Wing 
112010Understanding motives behind volunteerism: Implications for volunteer recruitment and retentionLo, Tit Wing 
122020Crimes in Tang VillageLo, Tit Wing 
132012Triadization of youth gangs in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
142020Suitable targets of crimeLo, Tit Wing 
152012Teaching group counseling in Hong Kong: The experience of a teaching excellence award winnerLo, Tit Wing 
162010The relationship between gangs and social capital in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
172010Transnational organized crime: Current and expected developments in ChinaLo, Tit Wing 
182007Intergenerational volunteerism in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
192007Social capital and correctional servicesLo, Tit Wing 
202007Research on the performance measurements of the reintegration programmesLo, Tit Wing 
212021An inquiry into the relationship between drug users’ psychological situations and their drug-taking behaviourLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
222016Family relationships and the self-esteem of hidden youth: A power dynamics perspectiveLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
232007Research on workplace violence in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
241996Social welfare development in China: Constraints and challenges
252016Identifying the self-anticipated reoffending risk factors of incarcerated male repeat offenders in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
262017Prison and correctional servicesLo, Tit Wing 
272016University students' views on political influences and the status of law in post-reform China: A moderation and mediation analysisLo, Tit Wing 
282013Youths’ views on corruption control in China: Politics and social censureLo, Tit Wing 
292005Supportive services for immigrant youths in Hong Kong: Strategies and outcomesLo, Tit Wing 
302003Measures alternative to prosecution for handling unruly children and young persons: Overseas experiences and options for Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
31Feb-2018香港年輕⼈的困境與機遇研究報告Lo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
322009Restricting loans of money to Hong Kong civil servants: Social censure or violation of human rights?Lo, Tit Wing 
332005澳門特別行政區青年問題與服務發展藍圖研究報告書Lo, Tit Wing 
342023Effective sanction avoidance in drug trafficking: The construction and validation of the restrictive deterrence utility scale using a sample of female drug offendersLo, Tit Wing 
352018Mainlandization, the ICAC, and the seriousness attached by local politicians to corruption in post-1997 Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
362012Traditional organized crime in the modern world: How triad societies respond to socioeconomic changeLo, Tit Wing 
372019One Belt, One Road and the process of OBORizationLo, Tit Wing 
382014Crime and its control in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
392017The social censure of hidden youth in Hong KongChan, Gloria Hong Yee ; Lo, Tit Wing 
402012Traditional crime in the modern world: How triad societies respond to socioeconomic changeLo, Tit Wing 
412009Youth empowerment and self-actualization: Experiences in Shanghai, ChinaLo, Tit Wing 
422011Motives behind volunteerism: A study of Hong Kong university students and influence of genderLo, Tit Wing 
432017Examination of the “CSI Effect” on perceptions of scientific and testimonial evidence in a Hong Kong Chinese sampleLo, Tit Wing 
442022Proactive criminal thinking and restrictive deterrence: A pathway to future offending and sanction avoidanceLo, Tit Wing 
452020Family dynamic and antisocial adolescents in MacauLo, Tit Wing ; Low, Andrew Yiu Tsang 
462015One country, two cultures: Are Hong Kong mock jurors “mainlandized” by the predominant Chinese criminal justice concept of confession?Lo, Tit Wing 
472009將軍澳青少年生活狀況調查Lo, Tit Wing 
482019Control of grand corruption and triad crime in ChinaLo, Tit Wing 
492015Relationships between volunteerism and social responsibility in young volunteersLo, Tit Wing 
502009澳門青少年偏差及違法行為現況分析Lo, Tit Wing 
Results 1-50 of 160 (Search time: 0.033 seconds).