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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 502
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
1992 | 中國現代翻譯理論探索 | Chan, Sin Wai |
1992 | In defense of literalism: My experience in translating Stories by Gao Yang | Chan, Sin Wai |
1992 | T'an Ssu-t'ung | Chan, Sin Wai |
1992 | 近代名人手札精選 | |
1993 | A glossary of translation terms: English-Chinese .Chinese-English | Chan, Sin Wai |
1993 | 清末議訂中外商約交涉 : 盛宣懷往來函電稿 (上、下冊) | |
1994 | Form and spirit in poetry translation | Chan, Sin Wai |
1995 | Preface | Chan, Sin Wai |
1995 | A topical bibliography of translation and interpretation: Chinese-English · English-Chinese | Chan, Sin Wai |
1995 | An encyclopaedia of translation: Chinese-English · English-Chinese | |
1997 | 怎樣教翻譯理論 | Chan, Sin Wai |
1997 | 我的兒子馬友友 | |
1998 | 翻譯《我的兒子馬友友》經驗談 | Chan, Sin Wai |
1998 | Lin Run | Chan, Sin Wai |
1998 | In defense of literalism: My experience in translating Stories by Gao Yang | Chan, Sin Wai |
1998 | 翻譯與外語教學 | |
1998 | An illustrated history of printing in ancient China | |
1999 | Machine translation in Hong Kong | Chan, Sin Wai |
1999 | 翻譯與政治:唐才常的西學知識與政治思想 | Chan, Sin Wai |
2000 | Compiling a Chinese-English Dictionary for Translators | Chan, Sin Wai |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 502