HL Publication
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 502
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2000 | The making of TransRecipe: A translational approach to the machine translation of Chinese cookbooks | Chan, Sin Wai |
2000 | 怎樣教翻譯理論 | Chan, Sin Wai |
2000 | Standards and methods in poetry translation | Chan, Sin Wai |
2001 | Machine translation in Hong Kong | Chan, Sin Wai |
2001 | Introduction | Chan, Sin Wai |
2001 | Compiling a Chinese-English Dictionary for Translators | Chan, Sin Wai |
2001 | Translation in Hong Kong: Past, present and future | |
2001 | 朗文進階英漢雙解詞典 (第二版) | |
2002 | Machine translation and machine-aided translation in the new century | Chan, Sin Wai |
2002 | 朗文袖珍英漢雙解活用詞典 | |
2002 | 英華薈萃: 香港中文大學翻譯系三十週年紀念文集 | |
2002 | Culture and humanity in the new millennium: The future of human values | |
2002 | Translation and information technology | |
2003 | Differences in the production and reception of translated texts-A case study | Chan, Sin Wai |
2003 | 朗文當代大辭典 (英英‧英漢雙解) | |
2004 | The making of A Dictionary of Translation Technology: Some considerations and reflections | Chan, Sin Wai |
2004 | Translating for the future: Reflections on making A Dictionary of Translation Technology | Chan, Sin Wai |
2004 | Dictionaries and translators | Chan, Sin Wai |
2004 | A dictionary of translation technology | Chan, Sin Wai |
2004 | Translation and bilingual dictionaries | |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 301 to 320 of 502