HL Publication
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 502
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2005 | Longman handy Chinese-English dictionary (朗文 Power Idict LD051) | |
2006 | Translation in a global context | Chan, Sin Wai |
2007 | Computer-aided translation of public signs | Chan, Sin Wai |
2007 | Taking a technological turn: The making of A Dictionary of Translation Technology | Chan, Sin Wai |
2007 | 朗文簡明漢英詞典 | |
2007 | Philosophy: An art of living | |
2008 | Draft examination scheme for translation technology proficiency certification | Chan, Sin Wai |
2008 | A framework of computer-aided translation studies | Chan, Sin Wai |
2008 | A topical bibliography of computer (-aided) translation | Chan, Sin Wai |
2009 | Teaching facilities for CUHK MACAT students | Chan, Sin Wai |
2009 | Translating for the future: Some reflections on making A Dictionary of Translation Technology | Chan, Sin Wai |
2009 | A chronology of translation in China and the West: From the legendary period to 2004 | Chan, Sin Wai |
2009 | Famous Chinese sayings quoted by Wen Jiabao | |
2010 | Search and re-search: Translating famous Chinese sayings quoted by Wen Jiabao into English | Chan, Sin Wai |
2010 | The teaching of computer-aided translation | |
2011 | Translating body terms: Reflections on the making of a Chinese-English dictionary of the human body | Chan, Sin Wai |
2011 | 漢英翻譯詞典: 身體用語匯編 | Chan, Sin Wai |
2012 | A world without Babel: The future of translation technology | Chan, Sin Wai |
2010 | A new curriculum for the teaching of translation technology: The teaching of a translation project course as a case study | Chan, Sin Wai |
2012 | Search and re-search: Translating famous Chinese sayings quoted by Wen Jiabao into English | Chan, Sin Wai |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 502