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Results 71-80 of 92 (Search time: 0.013 seconds).
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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1612019Sentiment classification using negative and intensive sentiment supplement informationZhao, Yingchao ; Xie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
1622014An empirical study of leveraging information technology in business through flexible learning, project and problem-based learning, and cross-disciplinary learningNg, Steven Kwan Keung ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Luk, Louise Nga Ying 
1632013An initiative to enhance education in business and information technologyWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Ng, Steven Kwan Keung ; Wong, Kenneth ; Luk, Louise Nga Ying 
1642015Does summarization help stock prediction? A news impact analysisWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Xie, Haoran 
1652013Overview of continuing education in Hong KongNg, Steven Kwan Keung ; Lo, Titus Kwok Ki ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
1662016Predicting pre-knowledge on vocabulary from e-learning assignments for language learnersWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Xie, Haoran ; Wong, Tak Lam 
1672017An artificial intelligence approach to identifying skill relationshipPoon, Chung Keung ; Xie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
1682018Promoting self-regulated learning by online educational resourcesWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Tang, Jeff Kai Tai ; Kong, Anthony Pui Keung ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Xie, Haoran ; Wong, Tak Lam 
1692016A clustering algorithm based on minimum spanning tree with e-learning applicationsWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Xie, Haoran 
1702016Social network application development based on cloud computing for web-based learningWang, Philips Fu Lee