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Title: Social network application development based on cloud computing for web-based learning
Author(s): Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
Author(s): Guo, Z.
Rao, Y.
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Springer
Related Publication(s): Current Developments in Web Based Learning (ICWL 2015 International Workshops) Revised Selected Papers
Start page: 134
End page: 139
Social network applications and Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) have been widely used in Web-based learning, which have generated large amounts of users and learning materials. Thus, it is useful to manage various learners and share the data efficiently. We here develop a social network application, V-share to facilitate the learner communication and share the learning data based on cloud computing. The V-share has achieved functions of sending and receiving instant voice messages, images and expressions, taking pictures, uploading learning materials instantly, and online voice call. To evaluate the effectiveness of the developed V-share, we compare it to the classical e-learning system on Web-based learning by various metrics. Experimental results based on the usage data of ten learners indicate that V-share could improve the activeness of learners in terms of the averaged browsing time, flow, learners’ satisfaction, and frequency of data sharing.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32865-2_15
CIHE Affiliated Publication: Yes
Appears in Collections:CIS Publication

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