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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12019Control of grand corruption and triad crime in ChinaLo, Tit Wing 
2Feb-2018香港年輕⼈的困境與機遇研究報告Lo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
32014Triads and tongsLo, Tit Wing 
42017Triad organized crime in Macau casinos: Extra-legal governance and entrepreneurshipLo, Tit Wing 
52012Traditional organized crime in the modern world: How triad societies respond to socioeconomic changeLo, Tit Wing 
62012Traditional crime in the modern world: How triad societies respond to socioeconomic changeLo, Tit Wing 
72019One Belt, One Road and the process of OBORizationLo, Tit Wing 
82014Crime and its control in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
92012Workplace violence in Hong Kong, China: Nature, impact, and preparednessLo, Tit Wing 
102011Self-esteem, self-efficacy and deviant behaviour of young people in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
112025Chinese triads and the notion of territoryLo, Tit Wing 
122013Policing and mentally ill persons in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing 
132013Chinese triad societyLo, Tit Wing 
142022Prisoners’ perceived violence and hair regulation in Hong Kong prisons: Gender-based differencesLo, Tit Wing 
152021Securitizing the Colour Revolution: Assessing the political role of triads in Hong Kong’s Umbrella MovementLo, Tit Wing 
162011黑社會對澳門青少年偏差行為之影響Lo, Tit Wing 
172013Anti-triad legislations in Hong Kong: Issues, problems and developmentLo, Tit Wing 
182018Hidden drug abuse in Hong Kong: From social acquaintance to social isolationLo, Tit Wing 
192019Tolerance of triads, police legitimacy, and self-help amidst the Umbrella MovementLo, Tit Wing 
202023Young people’s perceptions of the challenges and opportunities during the Mainland China-Hong Kong convergenceLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
Results 1-20 of 20 (Search time: 0.021 seconds).


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