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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12019Intrinsic motivation and psychological connectedness to drug abuse and rehabilitation: The perspective of self-determinationChan, Gloria Hong Yee ; Lo, Tit Wing 
22021An inquiry into the relationship between drug users’ psychological situations and their drug-taking behaviourLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
32016Family relationships and the self-esteem of hidden youth: A power dynamics perspectiveLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
4Feb-2018香港年輕⼈的困境與機遇研究報告Lo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
52014香港隱蔽青年,負面情緒及偏差行為Lo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
62017The social censure of hidden youth in Hong KongChan, Gloria Hong Yee ; Lo, Tit Wing 
72014Do friendship and intimacy in virtual communications exist? An investigation of online friendship and intimacy in the context of hidden youth in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
82014Hidden youth services: What Hong Kong can learn from JapanLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
92014Quality of life of the hidden youth in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
102018Report on research on rehabilitation programme provided by Drug Addiction Treatment CentreLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
112023Understanding the life experiences of elderly in social isolation from the social systems perspective: Using Hong Kong as an illustrating exampleLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
122019澳門特區青少年現況及趨勢研究調查報告書 (摘要) 2019年Lo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
132016The effect of negative experiences on delinquent behavior of youth in a social withdrawal situationChan, Gloria Hong Yee ; Lo, Tit Wing 
142023Use of theatresports to promote positive education among youth participantsChan, Gloria Hong Yee ; Lo, Tit Wing 
152022An innovative model of positive education with traditional Chinese moral values: An evaluation of Project BridgeLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
162020Drugs as soulmates: The construction and validation of a 12-item soulmate scale to measure substance addiction and lonelinessLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
172020Social capital and social networks of hidden drug abuse in Hong KongLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
182023Young people’s perceptions of the challenges and opportunities during the Mainland China-Hong Kong convergenceLo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
192019Hikikomori phenomenon in East Asia: Regional perspectives, challenges, and opportunities for social health agenciesChan, Gloria Hong Yee ; Lo, Tit Wing 
202019The association between substance abuse and sexual misconduct among Macau youthsChan, Gloria Hong Yee ; Lo, Tit Wing 
212023Hikikomori: An international perspective on assessment, treatment, and community intervention (Editorial)Lo, Tit Wing ; Chan, Gloria Hong Yee 
Results 1-21 of 21 (Search time: 0.023 seconds).


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