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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1Apr-2011兩難之間 : 放手? 不放手Lam, Ching Man 
22014社會工作實務現況與展望Lam, Ching Man 
32007Towards a Chinese conception of adolescent development in a migration contextLam, Ching Man 
42009Key successful features of Tier 1 program of Project P.A.T.H.S: A case study of a school admitting students with low academic achievementLam, Ching Man 
52019A longitudinal study on learning of social work studentsLam, Ching Man 
62007「青年失業與貧窮」還是「青年失業與貧窮」?Lam, Ching Man 
72020Where is home? The lived experiences of Chinese children after their parents have been incarceratedLam, Ching Man 
82019Division of labor in parenting amongst Chinese parents in Hong KongLam, Ching Man 
91990與朋軰相處Lam, Ching Man 
102006Training the trainers in the P.A.T.H.S. Project: An integrated approachLam, Ching Man 
112013Who am I: The self-identity of institution-cared children with incarcerated parent(s)Lam, Ching Man 
122019社會工作專業課程的資格標準及評審機Lam, Ching Man 
132009Direction for anti-poverty programs: Insights from a study on parent education for economically disadvantaged familiesLam, Ching Man 
141985品德教育 : 活動教材手冊Lam, Ching Man 
152019Parental expectations amongst Chinese parents in Hong Kong: Profiles and demographic correlatesLam, Ching Man 
162014Parenting and parenthoodLam, Ching Man 
172006Adolescent cough medicine abuse in Hong Kong: Implications for the design of positive youth development programs in Hong KongLam, Ching Man 
182006Consultancy study on the promotion of parent education for economically disadvantaged and hard-to-reach familiesLam, Ching Man 
192009Validation of the Chinese version of Differentiation of Self Inventory (C-DSI)Lam, Ching Man 
201996現場督導 —— 經驗與實踐Lam, Ching Man 
212015Validation of the Chinese version of Differentiation of Self Inventory (C-DSI)Lam, Ching Man 
222015The meaning of social justice to social work students in Guangdong, ChinaLam, Ching Man 
232004Re-positioning risk in social work education: Reflection from the threat of SARS to social work students during their field practicumLam, Ching Man 
242003Parent-adolescent communication and adjustment in Chinese adolescents in Hong KongLam, Ching Man 
252010Report on validation of the Chinese version of the Differentiation of Self InventoryLam, Ching Man 
262020A study on public attitudes towards female political leadershipLam, Ching Man 
272013Reflective-action learning in the social work undergraduate programLam, Ching Man 
282007香港青少年濫用咳藥水的情況:對設計「共創成長路」計劃的啟示Lam, Ching Man 
291993Psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Kansas Marital Satisfaction ScaleLam, Ching Man 
302000Stress, coping and resilience of new arrival families in Hong KongLam, Ching Man 
312019Reflections of parents and parent work practitioners on the changing experiences and circumstances of parenting in Hong KongLam, Ching Man 
322013回報的負擔 : 服刑人員子女對寄養機構的虧欠感Lam, Ching Man 
332001Community partnership for family empowerment: The Hong Kong modelLam, Ching Man 
342014「反思—行動」學習模式的實踐 : 經驗和評估Lam, Ching Man 
351990Stress and social support among young people: Community responses to youth needsLam, Ching Man 
362020Parents’ expectations of familial elder care under the neoliberal Hong Kong societyLam, Ching Man 
372008兒童信託基金 : 推行策略及各方的承擔
382020A qualitative study of rural-to-urban migrant Chinese mothers’ experiences in mother-child interactions and self-evaluationLam, Ching Man 
392005自我反思的未竟旅程 : 社會工作學生對實習經驗的論述Lam, Ching Man 
402019Blended learning in social work educationLam, Ching Man 
412013香港女性領袖 : 現況與挑戰
422019Has parenting changed over past decade? A qualitative study of generational shifts in parentingLam, Ching Man 
432014Powerful parent educators and powerless parents: The ‘empowerment paradox’ in parent educationLam, Ching Man 
442013Prosocial involvement as a positive youth development construct: A conceptual reviewLam, Ching Man 
452019Child rearing beliefs and parenting: Paradigm shift in the new eraLam, Ching Man 
462007P.A.T.H.S. to adulthood: A jockey club youth enhancement scheme: Activity handbook 2, Secondary one curriculum (Full implementation phase)Lam, Ching Man 
472003Meaning of life and adjustment among Chinese adolescents with and without economic disadvantageLam, Ching Man 
482015「反思-行動」學習模式於社工本科課程的實踐:經驗和成效評估Lam, Ching Man 
492018Assessment of beliefs in parental roles and responsibilities of Hong Kong Chinese parentsLam, Ching Man 
502018Learning pattern of social work students: A longitudinal studyLam, Ching Man 
Results 1-50 of 259 (Search time: 0.029 seconds).