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Results 51-100 of 186 (Search time: 0.025 seconds).
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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12017Inspiring hope through social work practiceTsui, Ming Sum 
22023Back to future: International social work in the new era (Editorial)Tsui, Ming Sum 
32020Constructing an evidence-informed social work supervision modelTsui, Ming Sum 
42020Why is supervision important to professional practice?Tsui, Ming Sum 
51996Values and knowledge: Critical issues in the development of social work education in ChinaTsui, Ming Sum 
61994An experience beyond research: Reflections from the involvement in a study on the effectiveness of social network intervention in enhancing family functioningTsui, Ming Sum 
72021Social work supervision in Hong KongTsui, Ming Sum 
81994Changing traditional Chinese values in Hong Kong: Application for therapy — Psychotherapy for the ChineseTsui, Ming Sum 
92021The comprehensive model of social work supervisionTsui, Ming Sum 
102019序(一)Tsui, Ming Sum 
112015Dialogue on “dilemmas in social work supervision and the way forward"Tsui, Ming Sum 
122015Back to basics: Education and training for professional practice: Implications for social workers in China and in the West (Editorial)Tsui, Ming Sum 
132014Towards a competence-based evaluation framework: The personal growth of volunteers in a child injury prevention programTsui, Ming Sum 
142018The panel study of social support for middle-age and elderly adults in Taiwan — Latent growth modelTsui, Ming Sum ; Pak, Michael Chui Man 
152017Youth unemployment: Implications for social work practiceTsui, Ming Sum ; Lam, Ching Man 
162017社會工作督導研究回顧及展望(1970~2010)Tsui, Ming Sum 
172017Professional supervision and professional autonomyTsui, Ming Sum 
182017From supervision to organisational learning: A typology to integrate supervision, mentorship, consultation and coachingTsui, Ming Sum ; Pak, Michael Chui Man 
192014人情文化下的求助歷程與策略初探:以經濟弱勢家戶為例Tsui, Ming Sum ; Pak, Michael Chui Man 
202020ForewordTsui, Ming Sum 
212004國際層面的減少藥物濫用傷害法Tsui, Ming Sum 
222009Social work administration revisited: A re-examination of concepts, context, and contentTsui, Ming Sum 
231999Chinese culture and social work (Readers' Comment)Tsui, Ming Sum ; Lam, Ching Man 
242019失獨家庭社會工作服務模式探究 —— 以 “暖心計劃 —— 廣州市番禺區支持失獨家庭服務” 項目為例Tsui, Ming Sum 
251999The future of social work: A revision and a visionTsui, Ming Sum 
26Dec-2012Report of consultancy study on Child Development Fund pioneer projectsTsui, Ming Sum 
272000社會福利行政的反思Tsui, Ming Sum 
281996公民教育活動錦囊(增訂版)Tsui, Ming Sum 
292005The use of supervisory authority in Chinese cultural contextTsui, Ming Sum ; Lam, Ching Man 
302005From supervision to organizational learning: Integrating supervision, mentorship, consultation, and coachingTsui, Ming Sum 
312008社會工作督導 : 脈絡與概念Tsui, Ming Sum 
322006Hopes and dreams: Ideal supervision for social workers in Hong KongTsui, Ming Sum 
332014Researching supervision: A participative learning process for knowledge production in social work?Tsui, Ming Sum 
341995Divergence and convergence: In search of a common base of the notion of the welfare state in China and in the WestTsui, Ming Sum 
351997中西福利國家觀念異同探討Tsui, Ming Sum 
361994Changing traditional values in Hong Kong: The past twenty yearsTsui, Ming Sum ; Wong, Yu Cheung 
371987新里程青年服務先導計劃評估硏究報告Tsui, Ming Sum 
381987公屋居民公民意識調查研究報告Tsui, Ming Sum 
392002Report of the Task Force on Psychotropic Substance AbuseTsui, Ming Sum 
401991全港公民教育推廣之硏究Tsui, Ming Sum 
412007The quest for western social work knowledge: Literature in the USA and practice in ChinaTsui, Ming Sum 
422004Charting the course of future research on supervisionTsui, Ming Sum 
432011Towards a professional supervision culture: The development of social work supervision in Aotearoa New ZealandTsui, Ming Sum 
442004社會工作的三個爭論及其對中國社會工作專業發展的啟示Tsui, Ming Sum 
452009Labour welfare in Hong Kong: Its context and contentTsui, Ming Sum 
462000社會工作行政的本質 : 探索、反思與啟示Tsui, Ming Sum 
472004In search of an optimal model for board-executive relationships in voluntary human service organizationsTsui, Ming Sum 
482005Towards informed supervisory practice: Knowledge, theory and methodsTsui, Ming Sum 
492005The harm-reduction approach revisited: An international perspectiveTsui, Ming Sum 
502013Labor welfare in Hong Kong: Its context and contentTsui, Ming Sum 
Results 51-100 of 186 (Search time: 0.025 seconds).