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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12007Community-based social movementWong, Yu Cheung 
2Mar-2018編者的話Wong, Yu Cheung 
32007The evaluation study on Computer Recycling SchemeWong, Yu Cheung 
42009Perpetuating old exclusions and producing new ones: Digital exclusion in an information societyWong, Yu Cheung 
52011A comparative study of older people with disability in two world cities: The pursuit of an inclusive communityWong, Yu Cheung 
62008Final stage report of the evaluation study of Harmony LinkWong, Yu Cheung 
72003Cultural divergence in cross-border marriage in Hong Kong: A call for culturally sensitive approach in social work practiceWong, Yu Cheung 
82007Mission possible; Building social work professional identity through fieldwork placements in ChinaWong, Yu Cheung 
92005「本地社工形象」意見調查報告Wong, Yu Cheung 
102008Embracing the market: Examining the consequences for education, housing and health in Chinese citiesWong, Yu Cheung 
112004Engaging students in a virtual classroom: The use of bulletin boards in teaching and learning for Chinese learnersWong, Yu Cheung 
122010Workfare programme for single parents and child carers in Hong Kong: The experience of New Dawn ProjectWong, Yu Cheung 
132009Elementary education in China: Burden for children and stress for parents, a study of eight Chinese citiesWong, Yu Cheung 
142010Cyber-parenting: Internet benefits, risks and parenting issuesWong, Yu Cheung 
152011To dream the impossible? Eradicating child poverty in Hong KongWong, Yu Cheung 
161998Community support for frail elderly in public housingWong, Yu Cheung 
172013Retirement protection in Hong Kong: Which direction to go in the wake of fast growing retiring populationWong, Yu Cheung 
182013Child poverty and quality of life: A study of child deprivation in BeijingWong, Yu Cheung 
192007Perpetuating old exclusions and producing new ones: Digital exclusions in information societyWong, Yu Cheung 
202007Digital exclusions and their indexing in information society: Implications for e-learning process and social consequencesWong, Yu Cheung 
212011Push and pull factors to work: The experience of the Hong Kong single parent welfare recipients in seeking employmentWong, Yu Cheung 
222010Social assistance in Shanghai: Dynamics between social protection and informal employmentWong, Yu Cheung 
232007Bridging digital gap for children in poverty in Hong Kong: Does ‘recycled computer for poor kid’ reduce the gap in educational outcome?Wong, Yu Cheung 
242009Promoting digital inclusion among older people in Hong Kong: Challenges and prospectWong, Yu Cheung 
252006社工系畢業班學生的職業興趣Wong, Yu Cheung 
262007Bridging digital gap for children in poverty with e-learning: Does ‘recycled computer for poor kids’ enhance better life chance for children?Wong, Yu Cheung 
272022由公共資源、服務規劃及理念角度看顧問團隊的建議Wong, Yu Cheung 
282012Career preferences of social work students in Beijing and ShanghaiWong, Yu Cheung 
292006Innovations and knowledge transfers through online learning: Cultural representation and identity of social work students in Chinese communitiesWong, Yu Cheung 
302013Trapped in poverty? A study of the dibao programme in ShanghaiWong, Yu Cheung 
31Nov-2018編者的話Wong, Yu Cheung 
32Jun-2022年長人士及長者貧窮與就業問題研究Wong, Yu Cheung ; Lau, Michael Sik Wai ; Luk, Yiu Tung ; Lee, Felix Ping Hei ; Li, Katrina Ka Yan 
332000資訊科技與社會工作教學Wong, Yu Cheung 
342012Report of the study on digital inclusiveness in Hong KongWong, Yu Cheung 
352022Final report on the evaluation study of the "Room for Rent" - Hostels and activity centre for homeless singletons pioneer projectWong, Yu Cheung ; Chung, Yida Yee Ha 
362006Impact analysis study on the degree of digital inclusiveness in Hong KongWong, Yu Cheung 
372020Administrative buy-in for user participation in managing social servicesWong, Yu Cheung 
382012Humanitarian welfare values in a changing social environment: A survey of social work undergraduate students in Beijing and ShanghaiWong, Yu Cheung 
392013Social assistance in Shanghai: Dynamics between social protection and informal employmentWong, Yu Cheung 
402013兩岸四地養老保險可携性政策研究: 香港研究報告Wong, Yu Cheung 
412018確立全國統一養老保險制度Wong, Yu Cheung 
422021The politics of aging under a hybrid regime: The case of democratization in Hong KongWong, Yu Cheung 
432012Long-term care in China: Issues and prospectsWong, Yu Cheung 
442011Transforming from economic power to soft power: Challenges for managing education for migrant workers' children and human capital in Chinese citiesWong, Yu Cheung 
452015Poverty and quality of life of Chinese children: From the perspective of deprivationWong, Yu Cheung 
462009Challenges in comparative study: The case of a comparison study of urban renewal policies in six Asian citiesWong, Yu Cheung 
472010Decentralization and marketization of education in China: Challenges for migrant children and social harmonyWong, Yu Cheung 
482013Challenges in digital inclusion and parenting: A study of the correlation between knowledge and usage of Internet and parenting issues of the new migrant parents in Hong KongWong, Yu Cheung 
491998Learning social work online: A WebCT course on policy issues among ChineseWong, Yu Cheung 
502003Constructivist online learning environment for social work education: An evaluation of students' learning process and outcome (Thesis)Wong, Yu Cheung 
Results 1-50 of 203 (Search time: 0.032 seconds).