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Title: Energy efficient hardware mailbox and scheduling algorithm for the MAC layer in ad hoc wireless sensor area networks
Author(s): Chan, Anthony Hing-Hung 
Author(s): Basich, Z.
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: IEEE
Related Publication(s): Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Radio and Wireless Symposium
Start page: 87
End page: 90
Ad hoc wireless sensor network's (AHWSN) primary goal is energy efficiency. Theoretically, the most energy efficient MAC protocol for a mesh network would be a TDMA based protocol without the administration, control and exact timing signals that needs to be conveyed. This paper presents a hardware solution and a TDMA MAC protocol that is as close to that ideal as possible. The proposal is a low power hardware mailbox that enables nodes to catch messages destined for them while they are asleep. This also allows lee-way to the exact timing of the synchronisation needed for a TDMA scheme. In addition the protocol reduces the amount of control messages that needs to be transmitted between nodes and also defines how the nodes need not change their function and role periodically, to coordinate the transmissions of data of other nodes.
DOI: 10.1109/RWS.2006.1615101
CIHE Affiliated Publication: No
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