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Title: Superconducting gravity gradiometer for space and terrestrial applications
Author(s): Chan, Anthony Hing-Hung 
Author(s): Moody, M. V.
Paik, H. J.
Issue Date: 1986
Publisher: AIP Publishing
Journal: Journal of Applied Physics 
Volume: 60
Issue: 12
Start page: 4308
End page: 4315
A three‐axis superconducting gravity gradiometer with a potential sensitivity better than 10−3 Eötvös Hz−1/2 is currently under development for applications in space. Although such a high sensitivity may be needed for only a limited number of terrestrial applications, superconductivity offers many extraordinary effects which can be used to obtain a gravity gradiometer with other characteristics necessary for operation in a hostile moving‐base environment. Utilizing a number of recently devised techniques which rely on certain properties of superconductors, we have produced a design for a sensitive yet rugged gravity gradiometer with a high degree of stability and a common‐mode rejection ratio greater than 109. With a base line of 0.11 m, a sensitivity of 0.1 Eötvös Hz−1/2 is expected in an environment monitored to a level of 10−2 m s−2 Hz−1/2 for linear vibration and 7×10−6 rad s−1 Hz−1/2 for angular vibration. A conventional stabilized platform can be used at this level. The intrinsic noise level, which is two orders of magnitude lower, could be achieved by monitoring the attitude with a superconducting angular accelerometer which is under development. In addition, the new gradiometer design has the versatility of adapting the instrument to different gravity biases by adjusting stored dc currents.
DOI: 10.1063/1.337474
CIHE Affiliated Publication: No
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