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Title: 香港安老院老年人對隱私的理解及需求
Other Titles: Privacy in residential care homes: Perceptions of Chinese older residents
Author(s): Low, Lisa Pau Le 
Author(s): Lee, D. T. F.
Chan, A. W. Y.
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: 中華護理學會
Journal: 中華護理雜誌 
Volume: 41
Issue: 12
Start page: 1090
End page: 1093
為探討居于安老院的中國老年人對隱私的看法及相關體驗, 采用了質性研究方法, 深入訪談了來自12間安老院的71名老年人。研究結果指出在安老院生活中, 大部分老年人認為隱私并非必要, 也不是先決條件。他們似乎已接納并依從安老院的生活模式, 即重視團結、和諧、并以滿足大多數人的集體利益為依歸, 而非集中在個人的需要上。中國文化對保持和諧及融洽的重視塑造了老年人對隱私的看法。研究有助于對安老院中擁有中國文化背景的老年人提供適宜的照顧, 保障他們在長期護理設施內的隱私。

This paper presents the findings of an exploratory study to examine older Chinese people′s perceptions and experiences of privacy in residential care homes. A qualitative study was conducted using in-depth interviews with a purposeful sample of 71 older people recruited from 12 residential care homes in Hong Kong. Most Chinese older people indicated that privacy was unnecessary and not a prerequisite in residential living. Older people have seemingly accepted the expectations of home life, with its emphasis on unity, harmony and meeting the collective needs of the majority rather than on individual needs. The enjoyment of communal living and ‘living together’ was reported. Indeed, the Chinese cultural importance of maintaining balance and harmony had shaped their perceptions of what privacy meant to them. These findings will further inform the development of culturally-sensitive care practices to support Chinese older people′s sense of privacy in residential care settings.
CIHE Affiliated Publication: No
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