Browsing by Author Chan, Stephen Cheong Yu

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Showing results 4 to 12 of 12 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020The detrimental impacts of negative age stereotypes on the episodic memory of older adults: Does social participation moderate the effects?Chan, Stephen Cheong Yu 
2024Effects of age-based stereotype threat on time-based prospective memoryChan, Stephen Cheong Yu ; Wong, John Chi Chung 
2023Find joy in sorrows: The role of hope in buffering the psychological impact of COVID-19 on Chinese university students in Hong KongChan, Stephen Cheong Yu ; Low, Andrew Yiu Tsang 
2024The mediating role of self‐esteem in the relationship between hope and life satisfaction among university students during a global health crisisChan, Stephen Cheong Yu 
2023Positive emotions, hope, and life satisfaction in Chinese older adults: An application of broaden-and-build modelChan, Stephen Cheong Yu 
2023The psychometric properties of the Lubben Social Network Scale (LSNS-6) and its associations with well-being indicators in Hong Kong older adultsChan, Stephen Cheong Yu ; Wong, John Chi Chung 
2023Sad mood bridges depressive symptoms and cognitive performance in community-dwelling older adults: A network approachChan, Stephen Cheong Yu 
2020Sense of community mediating between age-friendly characteristics and life satisfaction of community-dwelling older adultsChan, Stephen Cheong Yu 
2019Social participation and life satisfaction: The differential mediating effects of social network size and social support among young-old and old-oldChan, Stephen Cheong Yu