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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12013Writing herstory: Nu Shu as cartography of empowermentChan, Amy Kit Sze 
22009Becoming-animal, becoming-cybergoddess: Bridging cyberfeminism and ecofeminismChan, Amy Kit Sze 
32016Hong Kong English or English with a Hong Kong accent?Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
42016Technovisuality: Cultural re-enchantment and the experience of technology
52015Chinese goddesses as symbols of posthumanismChan, Amy Kit Sze 
62011Writing, weaving and technologyChan, Amy Kit Sze 
72019Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara as a symbol for the posthuman future in the AnthropoceneChan, Amy Kit Sze 
82020Deleuze and the humanities: East and West
92012An encounter with Buddhist art: Deleuzean becoming and deterritorializationChan, Amy Kit Sze 
102014Traditional Chinese medicine and the new humanitiesChan, Amy Kit Sze 
112017From Deleuzian becoming to feminist ‘becoming-with: The Daoist Yin principle in Ursula Le Guin’s science fiction'Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
122008Visualizing the universe: Mandala and the Buddhist cosmologyChan, Amy Kit Sze 
132003When cyberfeminism meets Chinese philosophy: Computer, weaving, and womenChan, Amy Kit Sze 
142002Cyberfeminism, the body and the virtual: Towards an intercultural perspective (Thesis)Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
152008Ecofeminism and Chinese goddessesChan, Amy Kit Sze 
162011The Dao of mountains: Daoism and Buddhism in classical Chinese cultureChan, Amy Kit Sze 
172014Writing herstory: Nu Shu as cartography of empowermentChan, Amy Kit Sze 
182018Symposium on science fiction and the climate crisisChan, Amy Kit Sze 
192019Wild is the Wind: The affective turn of wind in Chinese cultureChan, Amy Kit Sze 
202007Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara as a symbol for the posthuman / post-feminist futureChan, Amy Kit Sze 
212014An encounter with Buddhist art: Deleuzean becoming and deterritorializationChan, Amy Kit Sze 
221995性別/文本政治 : 女性主義文學理論
231997〈毛髮〉中的「兩」性關係Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
242005虛擬後樂園 : 透視電腦遊戲文化Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
252005AfterwordChan, Amy Kit Sze 
262005On the edge of culture: Sex and sexualities in Taiwan and Hong Kong science fictionChan, Amy Kit Sze 
272006「纖」方百計 : 透視纖體文化及身體政治Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
282006視真視假 : 透視視覺文化Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
292004Matrix, smooth space and Anti-OedipusChan, Amy Kit Sze 
302005World weavers: Globalization, science fiction, and the cybernetic revolution
312018Emptiness in the middle way and the ecological thoughtChan, Amy Kit Sze 
322011Science fiction and the prediction of the future: Essays on foresight and fallacy
332009Becoming-animal, becoming-cybergoddess: Bridging cyberfeminism and ecofeminismChan, Amy Kit Sze 
341998虛擬詩/人空間Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
352020Classical Chinese medicine and the new humanitiesChan, Amy Kit Sze 
362021Re-reading Ursula Le Guin’s SF: The Daoist Yin principle in ecofeminist novelsChan, Amy Kit Sze 
372006同性戀文學 : 酷異理論看《膜》Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
382010At the edges of human, nature and technoscience: Bridging cyberfeminism and ecofeminismChan, Amy Kit Sze 
392015Visualizing the universe: Mandala and the Buddhist cosmologyChan, Amy Kit Sze 
402016Paradigm shifting in the English studies curriculum in Hong KongChan, Amy Kit Sze 
412003Writing, weaving and technologyChan, Amy Kit Sze 
422023Chinese literature and ecofeminismChan, Amy Kit Sze 
432023Intersectionality and ecofeminist literatureChan, Amy Kit Sze 
442017科幻小說與社會公義Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
Results 1-44 of 44 (Search time: 0.031 seconds).


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