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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12005Spatial chaos of buckled elastica by the Kirchhoff analogy of a gyrostatLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
22007Analytical 3-D p-element for quadrilateral plates — Part 1: Thick isotropic plate structuresLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
32004Transverse vibration of thick polygonal plates using analytically integrated trapezoidal Fourier p-elementLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
42006Analytic 3-D p-element for vibration analyses of plates, Part 2: Laminated platesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
52004Fourier p-elements for curved beam vibrationsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
62005Impact analysis and absorber-design for structural collision protectionLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
72003A trapezoidal Fourier p-element for membrane vibrationsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
82006Dynamic stiffness for thin-walled structures by power seriesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
92003Two-dimensional viscoelastic vibration by analytic Fourier p-elementsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
102008On-line health monitoring and damage detection of structures based on the wavelet transformLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
112012Structural-electrical-coupled formulation for the free vibration of a piezoelectric-laminated plate using the analytical arbitrary quadrilateral p elementLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
122004Geometric nonlinear vibration of clamped Mindlin plates by analytically integrated trapezoidal p-elementLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
132003Spatial chaos of buckled elastica using the Kirchhoff analogy of a gyrostatLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
142003Spatial chaos of buckled elastica by the Kirchhoff analogy of a gyrostatLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
152004Comments on “Free vibration of skew Mindlin plates by p-version of F.E.M.”Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 
162003Non-linear vibration analyses of beams resting on-elastic foundations using Fourier p-elementLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
172007On-line health monitoring and damage detection of structures based on the wavelet transformLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
182005Impact analysis and absorber design for collision protection of part-buried structuresLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
192007Analytical p-elements for vibration of plates/plated structuresLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
202003Dynamic stiffness for thin-walled beams and frames by power seriesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
212005Free vibration of laminated composite plates subjected to in-plane stresses using trapezoidal p-elementLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
222005Transverse vibration of mindlin plates on two-parameter foundations by analytical trapezoidal p-elementsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
232006Analytical p-version finite elements and application in analyses of structural collision protectionLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
242004Analytic trapezoidal Fourier p-element for vibrating plane problemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
252004Hexahedral Fourier p-elements for vibration of prismatic solidsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
262009Linear and nonlinear vibration of non-uniform beams on two-parameter foundations using p-elementsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
Results 1-26 of 26 (Search time: 0.024 seconds).


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