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Results 101-150 of 714 (Search time: 0.036 seconds).
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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
11985Dynamic stiffness method for exponentially varying harmonic excitation of continuous systemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
22001Three-dimensional mixed mode analysis of a cracked body by fractal finite element methodLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
32003A parametric study on the fractal finite element method for two-dimensional crack problemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
42008A new perspective in road network design for better traffic managementLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
51993Dynamic stiffness analysis for axial-lateral-torsional vibrationLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
62004Periodic and chaotic motions of a harmonically forced piecewise linear systemLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
72002Analysis of pollutant levels in central Hong Kong applying neural network method with particle swarm optimizationLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
82005The new Intelligent Building Index for buildings around the worldLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
92002On Melnikov's method in the study of chaotic motions of gyrostatLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
102002H∞分散控制的模態綜合法Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 
112003Hamiltonian and chaotic attitude dynamics of an orbiting gyrostat satellite under gravity-gradient torquesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
121995Chaotic response of a hard duffing type vibration isolator with combined Coulomb and viscous dampingLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
132001A combined modal/finite element analysis technique for the dynamic response of a non-linear beam to harmonic excitationLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
142001Computation of normal forms for higher dimensional semi-simple systemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
152010Response of energy envelop in complex oscillator networks to external stochastic excitationsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
161996Dynamic stiffness analysis of laminated composite platesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
172007二維彈性平面問題中任意邊界條件下應力分布的封閉解Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 
182005Impact analysis and absorber-design for structural collision protectionLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
191998Vibration of cracked Kirchhoff's platesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
202004A preliminary parametric study on performance of SARS virus cleaner using CFD simulationLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
212001Chaotic attitude motion of gyrostat satellite via Melnikov methodLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
222002Simulation of free-surface flow in curved channels with velocity-pressure free surface correctionLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
231996The method of successive decrease and the harmonic wave filter for wave control in structuresLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
242011Residue harmonic balance for two-degree-of-freedom airfoils with cubic structural nonlinearityLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
252003Prediction of air pollutant levels using support vector machines: An effective toolLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
262003Critical feedback elements for the surveying education in Hong KongLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
272014Bifurcation of the periodic motion in nonlinear delayed oscillatorsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
281995Toeplitz Jacobian matrix for nonlinear periodic vibrationLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
292011Oscillatory region and asymptotic solution of fractional van der Pol oscillator via residue harmonic balance techniqueLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
301995Harmonic balance calculations by using matricesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
312010Hamiltonian approach to analytical thermal stress intensity factors — Part 2: Thermal stress intensity factorLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
321992An algorithm for matrix polynomial eigenproblemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
331992Dynamic stiffness for lateral bucklingLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
342002Development of a Wittrick–Williams algorithm for the spectral element model of elastic–piezoelectric two-layer active beamsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
352016Periodic and quasi-periodic responses of van der Pol–Mathieu system subject to various excitationsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
362001Fast matrix exponent for deterministic or random excitationsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
371995用範式理論研究常微分方程焦點量問題Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 
381996Fractal two-level finite element method for two-dimensional cracksLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
392000Fluid-structure interactions (Book Review)Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 
402003Estimating the value enhancement effects of refurbishmentLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
412013Steady state symmetry breaking in periodically excited systems involving time delay by harmonic homotopyLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
421989Nonlinear natural vibration analysis of beams by selective coefficient incrementLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
432006Buckling and post-buckling of carbon nanotubesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
442012Residue harmonic balance analysis for the damped Duffing resonator driven by a van der Pol oscillator Author links open overlay panelLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
451983Low cost analysis of building frames for lateral loadsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
461995Dynamic stiffness analysis of toroidal shellsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
472003A trapezoidal Fourier p-element for membrane vibrationsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
482001Robust stabilization of singular-impulsive-delayed systems with nonlinear perturbationsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
491996On the accuracy of discontinuous Galerkin methods in the time domainLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
502012Resonance response of a simply supported rotor-magnetic bearing system by harmonic balanceLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
Results 101-150 of 714 (Search time: 0.036 seconds).