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Results 1-50 of 59 (Search time: 0.057 seconds).
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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12007On the access pricing and network scaling issues of wireless mesh networksChiu, Dah Ming 
22010DCAR: Distributed coding-aware routing in wireless networksChiu, Dah Ming 
32008Design and analysis of ISP-friendly file distribution protocolsChiu, Dah Ming 
42010On oligopoly spectrum allocation game in cognitive radio networks with capacity constraintsChiu, Dah Ming 
52010An online framework for catching top spreaders and scannersChiu, Dah Ming 
62009Analysis and scheduling of practical network coding in OFDMA relay networksChiu, Dah Ming 
72009Improving energy efficiency via probabilistic rate combination in 802.11 multi-rate wireless networksChiu, Dah Ming 
82007Performance metrics and configuration strategies for group network communicationChiu, Dah Ming 
92006On the access pricing issues of wireless mesh networksChiu, Dah Ming 
102008On cooperative settlement between content, transit and eyeball Internet service providersChiu, Dah Ming 
112008Interaction of ISPs: Distributed resource allocation and revenue maximizationChiu, Dah Ming 
122008How many packets can we encode? - An analysis of practical wireless network codingChiu, Dah Ming 
132007Characterizing the capacity gain of stream control scheduling in MIMO wireless mesh networksChiu, Dah Ming 
142006The delicate tradeoffs in BitTorrent-like file sharing protocol designChiu, Dah Ming 
152007Balancing throughput and fairness for TCP flows in multihop ad-hoc networksChiu, Dah Ming 
162009The design trade-offs of BitTorrent-like file sharing protocolsChiu, Dah Ming 
172009Profiling and identification of P2P trafficChiu, Dah Ming 
182008ISP uplink pricing in a competitive marketChiu, Dah Ming 
192009Entropy based adaptive flow aggregationChiu, Dah Ming 
202008The Shapley value: Its use and implications on Internet economicsChiu, Dah Ming 
212007Towards coding-efficient link-scheduling and coding-aware routing in wireless networksChiu, Dah Ming 
222006Determining the end-to-end throughput capacity in multi-hop networks: Methodology and applicationsChiu, Dah Ming 
232006Modeling the peering and routing tussle between ISPs and P2P applicationsChiu, Dah Ming 
242006Interplay of ISPs: Distributed resource allocation and revenue maximizationChiu, Dah Ming 
252005Handling high-bandwidth traffic aggregates by receiver-driven feedback controlChiu, Dah Ming 
262009Understanding the paradoxical effects of power control on the capacity of wireless networksChiu, Dah Ming 
272009Characterizing the capacity gain of stream control scheduling in MIMO wireless mesh networksChiu, Dah Ming 
282006Stochastic analysis and file availability enhancement for BT-like file sharing systemsChiu, Dah Ming 
292007Stochastic analysis of file-swarming systemsChiu, Dah Ming 
302006Stochastic differential equation approach to model BitTorrent-like P2P systemsChiu, Dah Ming 
312008A game–theoretic analysis of the implications of overlay network traffic on ISP peeringChiu, Dah Ming 
322012A mathematical framework for analyzing adaptive incentive protocols in P2P networksChiu, Dah Ming 
332011A simple model for chunk-scheduling strategies in P2P streamingChiu, Dah Ming 
342005Characterizing the performance and stability issues of the AS path prepending method: Taxonomy, measurement study and analysisChiu, Dah Ming 
352006On the practical and security issues of batch content distribution via network codingChiu, Dah Ming 
362008Application identification based on network behavioral profilesChiu, Dah Ming 
372009Mathematical modeling of advertisement and influence spread in social networksChiu, Dah Ming 
382009Analysis of adaptive incentive protocols for P2P networksChiu, Dah Ming 
392010An ISP-friendly file distribution protocol: Analysis, design, and implementationChiu, Dah Ming 
402009Exploring the optimal chunk selection policy for data-driven P2P streaming systemsChiu, Dah Ming 
412007Inter-AS inbound traffic engineering via ASPPChiu, Dah Ming 
422008Mathematical modeling of incentive policies in P2P systemsChiu, Dah Ming 
432005The fundamental role of hop distance in IEEE 802.11 multi-hop ad hoc networksChiu, Dah Ming 
442009Credit-based network managementChiu, Dah Ming 
452008DCAR: Distributed coding-aware routing in wireless networksChiu, Dah Ming 
462006Adaptive flow aggregation - A new solution for robust flow monitoring under security attacksChiu, Dah Ming 
472007A distributed throttling approach for handling high bandwidth aggregatesChiu, Dah Ming 
482011On cooperative settlement between content, transit, and eyeball Internet service providersChiu, Dah Ming 
492009PBS: Periodic behavioral spectrum of P2P applicationsChiu, Dah Ming 
502005On the interaction of multiple overlay routingChiu, Dah Ming 
Results 1-50 of 59 (Search time: 0.057 seconds).