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Title: Effects of Senior Simulation Suit Programme on nursing students' attitudes towards older adults: A randomized controlled trial
Author(s): Cheng, Winnie Lai Sheung 
Author(s): Ma, P. K.
Lam, Y. Y.
Ng, K. C.
Ling, T. K.
Yau, W. H.
Chui, Y. W.
Tsui, H. M.
Li, P. P.
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Journal: Nurse Education Today 
Volume: 88
As populations age worldwide, nursing educational institutions need to train nurses not only to provide health care services specific to the elderly, but also to have a positive attitude as they work. The present study aimed to investigate the efficacy of a Senior Simulation Suit Programme (SSSP). The SSSP, which focused on mimicking the physiological experiences of an 80 year-old person, was hypothesized to increase the wearer's positive attitude towards older adult care.

A single-blinded, randomized controlled trial was used to evaluate the efficacies of SSSP. One hundred and thirty-nine (139) nursing students were randomly assigned to either SSSP group (n = 69) or to a control group (n = 70) with “placebo clothing”, i.e. clothing that mimicked old age but did not actually impair faculties. Two instruments—Kogan Attitudes Towards Old People Scale (KAOP) and a 1-item scale on Willingness To Care for Older People Scale (WCOP)—were used for data collection at baseline and at completion of SSSP. A Chinese version of Palmore's Facts Aging Quiz (C-FAQ) was used to assess nursing students' knowledge about adult care, and a questionnaire was developed to collect demographic information at baseline.

No significant difference between the two groups was found. A significant increase of positive attitudes and of willingness to serve older adults was found in both the control group and the group wearing SSSP.

Both the SSSP and control intervention could improve the attitudes of nursing students towards older adult care. This study suggests that wearing whatever the nursing students associate with being old, will improve their attitude towards older adult care.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2020.104330
CIHE Affiliated Publication: No
Appears in Collections:HS Publication

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