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Title: Bifurcation control of a parametrically excited duffing system
Author(s): Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 
Author(s): Ji, J. C.
Issue Date: 2002
Publisher: Springer
Journal: Nonlinear Dynamics 
Volume: 27
Issue: 4
Start page: 411
End page: 417
A linear time-delayed feedback control is used to delay the occurrenceof pitchfork bifurcations and to eliminate saddle-node bifurcations,which may arise in the nonlinear response of a parametrically excitedDuffing system under the principal parametric resonance. The feedbackgains and the time delay are chosen by analyzing the modulationequations of the amplitude and the phase. It is shown that by using anappropriate feedback control, the stable region of the trivial solutionscan be broadened, a discontinuous bifurcation can be transformed into acontinuous one, and the jump phenomenon in the resonance response can beremoved.
DOI: 10.1023/A:1015221422293
CIHE Affiliated Publication: No
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