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Title: A tale of three cities: Teaching online to students in Shanghai from Hong Kong and Texas
Author(s): Wong, Yu Cheung 
Author(s): Schoech, D.
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Routledge
Journal: Journal of Technology in Human Services 
Volume: 23
Issue: 1-2
Start page: 121
End page: 145
The University of Hong Kong collaborated with the Fudan University in Shanghai to offer a Master of Social Service Management (MSSM) part-time degree for students in Shanghai. While most courses of the program were taught by instructors sent from Hong Kong and other overseas countries on weekends and holidays, the “Information and Communication Technology in Social Service Organizations” course was offered online and supplemented by several face-to-face sessions. Instructors in Texas and Hong Kong collaborated and offered the course to the students in Shanghai. Teaching and learning online was a completely new experience for the students. Technical, social, cultural, and linguistic issues arose throughout the four months during which the course was offered. This paper shares the teaching experience and reflection of the instructors as well as the learning outcome and evaluation of the students.
DOI: 10.1300/J017v23n01_08
CIHE Affiliated Publication: No
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