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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12012An effective tool to support teaching and learning of modular programmingWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Wong, Kenneth 
22015A pilot study on students' learning experience on the e-learning using social networkingWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Luk, Louise Nga Ying 
32010Effectiveness of e-learning at secondary schools in Hong KongWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Wong, Tak Lam 
42013Evaluation on students' experience of course management systemWong, Kenneth ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Luk, Louise Nga Ying 
52018Investigating the effectiveness of vocabulary learning tasks from the perspective of the technique feature analysis: The effects of pictorial annotationsWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Xie, Haoran 
62017An explicit learner profiling model for personalized word learning recommendationXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping 
72017Sentiment classification of short text using sentimental contextXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping 
82014Facebook's potential for personal, social, academic and career development for higher education studentsWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Leung, Kat Sze Ming ; Wong, Kenneth 
92016EditorialWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping 
102016Leveraging education of information technology in business: The application of a project-based, problem-based, and flexible learning modelNg, Steven Kwan Keung ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping