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Results 1-20 of 20 (Search time: 0.022 seconds).
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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12001Estimation of the Hopf bifurcation point for aeroelastic systemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
22001Computation of normal forms for higher dimensional semi-simple systemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
32001A finite element / modal technique for nonlinear plate and stiffened panel response predictionLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
42000Limit cycle oscillation prediction for non-linear aeroelastic systems with oscillatory aerodynamicsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
52001Prediction of non-linear aeroelastic behaviour using normal form theoryLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
62000Use of normal form theory to predict non-linear aeroelastic phenomenaLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
72000Limit cycle oscillation prediction for aeroelastic systems with continuous non-linearitiesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
81999Linear flutter prediction using symbolic programmingLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
91999Simplified finite element modal model for non-linear beam responseLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
102002Limit-cycle oscillation prediction for non-linear aeroelastic systemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
111999A combined modal / finite element analysis technique for non-linear beam dynamic response under harmonic excitationLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
122001Non-linear random response of stiffened aerospace panels using a combined finite element / modal techniqueLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
132001Dynamic analysis of a self-excited hysteretic systemLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
142000Modelling of non-linear aerodynamics during limit cycle oscillationsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
152001A finite element / modal technique for nonlinear plate and stiffened panel response predictionLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
162002Hopf bifurcation analysis of a rotor/seal systemLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
172003Curve fitting approach for transonic flutter predictionLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
182005Application of an improved cell mapping method to bilinear stiffness aeroelastic systemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
191999A comparison of blade tip-timing data analysis methodsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
202000Prediction of non-linear aeroelastic instabilitiesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
Results 1-20 of 20 (Search time: 0.022 seconds).


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