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Results 501-550 of 714 (Search time: 0.051 seconds).
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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12000Modelling of structural response and optimization of structural control system using neural network and genetic algorithmLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
22018Synchronizability and mode-locking of two scaled quadratic maps via symmetric direct-couplingLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
32009Wave scattering by many small particles and creating materials with a desired refraction coefficientLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
42001Dynamic stiffness for piecewise non-uniform Timoshenko column by power series—part I: Conservative axial forceLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
52003The simplest normal form of Hopf bifurcationLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
62002Fuzzy variational principle and its applicationsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
72007Genetic algorithm with an improved fitness function for (N)ARX modellingLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
82002A helicoidal model for bending of turbomachinery and drilling structuresLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
92002Experimental validation of combined plenum system for light rail vehicle in Hong KongLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
102000Structure-borne acoustic analysis of a twin-cell rail viaductLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
112000Engine acoustic condition monitoring using statistical methodsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
122003Vibration of nonlinearly pretwisted helicoidal structuresLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
132017A study of stress singularities arising at the multi-material interface in a V-notched bending plateLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
142002A preliminary study on potential of developing shower/laundry wastewater reclamation and reuse systemLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
152004Fractal finite elementsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
162001A multisensor-based system for manufacturing process monitoringLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
171998Parametrically excited system studied by dynamic branch switching methodLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
182000The identification of diesel engine noise sourcesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
192000Practical application of principal component analysisLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
202015The finite element discretized symplectic method for composite mode III cracksLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
211999Integrated hierarchical diagnostic reasoning for FMS’sLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
222000Bifurcation behavior of a rotor supported by active magnetic bearingsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
232015Synchronization of fractional-order chaotic systems using unidirectional adaptive full-state linear error feedback couplingLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
242002Deployment dynamics of solar panel arrays by Hamiltonian equations and Deprit’s variablesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
251997Wind tunnel study of an aeroelastic building model with viscous-damping walls for vibration controlLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
261995Design of actuator saturation compensators for absolute stabilityLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
272002Analytical behaviour of concrete beams reinforced with steel rebars and FPR rodsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
281995Non-linear vibration of coupled Duffing oscillators by an improved incremental harmonic balance methodLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
291993Dynamic stiffness of cylindrical shellsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
302001A particle-swarm-optimization-based neural network approach and its application to environmental modelingLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
312012The residue harmonic balance for fractional order van der Pol like oscillatorsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
322014Nonlinear vibrations of viscoelastic plane truss under harmonic excitationLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
332009強Van der Pol振子的諧波與修正算法Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 
342000A modified simulated annealing algorithm for optimal vibration control of flexible structuresLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
352011Analysis of mode III elastodynamic cracked plane using the fractal two-level finite element methodLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
361995Symplectic integration and nonlinear dynamic symmetry breaking of framesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
372009Third-order non-local beam theories for the analysis of symmetrical nanobeamsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
381999Bifurcation and stability of a three-hinged rod under a conservative loadLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
391994Mode I crack problems by fractal two level finite element methodsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
401994Analytical formulation of dynamic stiffnessLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
411995An algorithm for higher order Hopf normal formLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
422011Wind-induced natural ventilation of re-entrant bays in a high-rise buildingLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
432005The Intelligent Home Index (IHI) manual: Version 1.0Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 
442000A generalised score definition of the partial least squares algorithm for the monitoring of industrial processesLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
451991An unconstrained third-order plate theoryLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
462004一種求解柔性操縱器動力學方程的數值方法Leung, Andrew Yee Tak 
472015CFD simulation of cyclone separators to reduce air pollutionLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
481990Analytical solutions of elasto-plastic systemsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
491988Integration of beam functionsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
501990Perturbed general eigensolutionsLeung, Andrew Yee Tak 
Results 501-550 of 714 (Search time: 0.051 seconds).