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Results 1-50 of 101 (Search time: 0.04 seconds).
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Item hits:
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
12012An effective tool to support teaching and learning of modular programmingWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Wong, Kenneth 
22017Special issue on: Technology-enhanced learning: Aligning innovation with practice (Editorial)Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
32015A pilot study on students' learning experience on the e-learning using social networkingWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Luk, Louise Nga Ying 
42015Context-aware personalized courses search based on hybrid learner profileWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Xie, Haoran 
52019Segment-level joint topic-sentiment model for online review analysisWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Xie, Haoran 
62015Comparative study on heterogeneous profiling sources for second language learnersHo, Wai Shing ; Xie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Poon, Chung Keung ; Wong, Tak Lam 
72012Student engagement: Meanings, approaches and ideas for educators interested in ICTWang, Philips Fu Lee 
82010Effectiveness of e-learning at secondary schools in Hong KongWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Wong, Tak Lam 
92013Evaluation on students' experience of course management systemWong, Kenneth ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Luk, Louise Nga Ying 
102018Game-based vocabulary learning in China and Hong Kong: Students’ evaluation of different word learning appsWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Xie, Haoran 
112018Learning-based 3D surface optimization from medical image reconstructionXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
122018A learning framework for information block search based on probabilistic graphical models and Fisher KernelXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
132018Adaptive fractional-pixel motion estimation skipped algorithm for efficient HEVC motion estimationWang, Philips Fu Lee 
142009Multi-document summarization for e-learningWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping 
152018Incorporating user experience into critiquing-based recommender systems: A collaborative approach based on compound critiquingXie, Haoran ; Wang, Debby Dan ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
162010Experience of blended learning in school education: Knowledge about perimeter of closed shapesWang, Philips Fu Lee 
172018EditorialWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Xie, Haoran 
182008Hybrid learning and education: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Hybrid Learning (ICHL 2008)
192013Knowledge sharing through technology: Revised selected papers of the 8th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology in Teaching and Learning (ICT 2013)
202018Extractive adversarial networks for network embeddingZhao, Yingchao ; Xie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
212018Learning dual preferences with non-negative matrix tri-factorization for Top-N recommender systemXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
222018Investigating the effectiveness of vocabulary learning tasks from the perspective of the technique feature analysis: The effects of pictorial annotationsWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping ; Xie, Haoran 
232018Nonrigid iterative closest points for registration of 3D biomedical surfacesXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
242018Modelling second language learners for learning task recommendationXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
252017Combining local and global features in supervised word sense disambiguationXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
262017Topic-level clustering on web resourcesWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Leung Pun 
272017A multi-relational term scheme for first story detectionXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
282017Cross-domain sentiment classification via topic-related TrAdaBoostXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
292013The design and implementation of an information system for placement programmesNg, Steven Kwan Keung ; Ho, Wai Shing ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Kenneth ; Cheung, Michael 
302017A network framework for noisy label aggregation in social mediaXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
312019Social emotion classification based on noise-aware trainingXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
322017Recent advances in semantic computing and personalization (Editorial)Xie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
332017A study on the effectiveness of electronic and paper dictionaries: Comparing the hybrid use of both and the pure use of eitherXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
342015Knowledge communication analysis based on clustering and association rules miningWang, Philips Fu Lee 
352017A comparative study on various vocabulary knowledge scales for predicting vocabulary pre-knowledgeXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
362017Bootstrapping social emotion classification with semantically rich hybrid neural networksXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
372017Discover learning path for group users: A profile-based approachXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
382017Revisit tag-based profiles in the folksonomy: How many tags are sufficient for profiling?Xie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
392017An automatic approach for discovering skill relationship from learning dataXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Poon, Chung Keung ; Wong, Tak Lam 
402016Biclustering-based iterative segmentation of human face images for facial feature extractionWang, Debby Dan ; Xie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
412017English education for the elderly in Hong KongWang, Philips Fu Lee ; Xie, Haoran 
422017An explicit learner profiling model for personalized word learning recommendationXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Kwan, Reggie Ching Ping 
432016Singular vector decomposition based hybrid pattern search — An efficient co-clustering methodWang, Debby Dan ; Xie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
442017Efficient alarm behavior analytics for telecom networksXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
452016User authority ranking models for community question answeringXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
462016A density-based clustering algorithm with educational applicationsWang, Philips Fu Lee 
472016When innovation meets evolution: An extensive study of emerging e-learning technologies for higher education in Hong KongXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee 
482017A review on recent development of the Involvement Load HypothesisXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
492017Supervised intensive topic models for emotion detection over short textXie, Haoran ; Wang, Philips Fu Lee ; Wong, Tak Lam 
502017Social support and sense of loneliness in solitary older adultsWang, Philips Fu Lee 
Results 1-50 of 101 (Search time: 0.04 seconds).