Browsing by Author Chan, Amy Kit Sze

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Showing results 17 to 36 of 44 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017From Deleuzian becoming to feminist ‘becoming-with: The Daoist Yin principle in Ursula Le Guin’s science fiction'Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
2016Hong Kong English or English with a Hong Kong accent?Chan, Amy Kit Sze 
2023Intersectionality and ecofeminist literatureChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2004Matrix, smooth space and Anti-OedipusChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2005On the edge of culture: Sex and sexualities in Taiwan and Hong Kong science fictionChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2016Paradigm shifting in the English studies curriculum in Hong KongChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2021Re-reading Ursula Le Guin’s SF: The Daoist Yin principle in ecofeminist novelsChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2011Science fiction and the prediction of the future: Essays on foresight and fallacy
2018Symposium on science fiction and the climate crisisChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2016Technovisuality: Cultural re-enchantment and the experience of technology
2014Traditional Chinese medicine and the new humanitiesChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2008Visualizing the universe: Mandala and the Buddhist cosmologyChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2015Visualizing the universe: Mandala and the Buddhist cosmologyChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2003When cyberfeminism meets Chinese philosophy: Computer, weaving, and womenChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2019Wild is the Wind: The affective turn of wind in Chinese cultureChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2005World weavers: Globalization, science fiction, and the cybernetic revolution
2013Writing herstory: Nu Shu as cartography of empowermentChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2014Writing herstory: Nu Shu as cartography of empowermentChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2011Writing, weaving and technologyChan, Amy Kit Sze 
2003Writing, weaving and technologyChan, Amy Kit Sze