Browsing by Author
Kwok, Kim
Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2018 | Contesting gender binaries in school counselling in Hong Kong: Supporting students encountering transgender harassment | Kwok, Kim |
2018 | Diverging opportunities: Chinese migrants in the transnational immigrant economy in Vienna | Kwok, Kim |
2019 | I am not getting your money: Boundary making and identities in immigrant economies in Hong Kong | Kwok, Kim |
2020 | The moral economy of Asian migrant women in small business in Hong Kong | Kwok, Kim |
2020 | More than comfort and discomfort: Emotion work of parenting children with autism in Hong Kong | Kwok, Kim |
2018 | Multicultural social work practice and South Asian migrants in Hong Kong | Kwok, Kim |
2022 | Navigating transprejudice: Chinese transgender students' experiences of sexuality education in Hong Kong | Kwok, Kim |
2016 | Political participation of ethnic minorities in Hong Kong: An analytical survey | Kwok, Kim |
2015 | Recalling ethnic resources: A case study of the Indonesian Chinese in the Indonesian ethnic economy in Hong Kong | Kwok, Kim |
2015 | When new migrants meet old migrants: Indonesian ethnic economy in Hong Kong | Kwok, Kim |
2017 | 九七回歸與華裔—南亞裔香港人共融精神的變易 | Kwok, Kim |
2016 | 獅子山下的南亞小企業 | Kwok, Kim |
2017 | 獅子山下的南亞群組小企業 | Kwok, Kim |
2015 | 香港少數族裔的政治參與:「九七回歸」是轉捩點嗎? | Kwok, Kim |
2016 | 香港族裔經濟中的印尼華僑與華人 | Kwok, Kim |